Schema and Parameter Sets

MyTardis stores metadata as Parameters, which are grouped in to Parameter Sets, which are defined by a Schema.

Managing Schema

Schema are managed through the Django administrative interface. The administrative interface is normally accesible from a link similar to:

Selecting “Schemas” in the adminstrative interface will display a list of the installed schemas. Clicking on a schema displays the editor for that schema.

Schema definitions are the combination of two tables, Schema and ParameterName.

The Schema fields are:


The namespace uniquely identifies the schema. When exporting an experiment as a METS file the namespace is used as an XML Namespace, and thus must follow the XML standard, i.e. in the form of a URL.

The MyTardis naming convention is:

The display name of the schema.


Experiment, Dataset or Datafile.


Used to group and identify schema for forms based searching.

The ParameterName fields are:


The namespace of the schema which this parameter belongs to.


The identifier used to ingest parameters.

Full Name

The display name of the parameter.


The display name of the units for numerical values.

Data Type

One of:

  • Numeric

  • String

  • Longstring

  • URL

  • Filename

  • Datetime

  • Link

Strings use the input field widget for editing, while longstrings use a textarea widget.


If true, no user editing of the parameter is allowed, regardless of access.

Comparison Type

The type of search to be performed with Forms Based Search. Not used by Advanced Search.

Is Searchable

Flag whether this parameter is searchable.


If defined, a drop down list of values is displayed.


The display order of the parameters within the schema. Sorting is by Order, then alphabetically.